


Balloon Aloft 是澳大利亚第一家商业热气球飞行公司,为您提供定制相册的机会。在线创建一套属于自己的个性化相册,既简单又有趣。一旦您定稿,最终印刷品将在大约 7 天内送达您的地址。


相册是记录您与Balloon Alfot进行热气球冒险的完美方式。使用 Utterfiction 模板,您只需添加自己的详细信息来定制您的相册,例如姓名和飞行日期,并根据喜好把自己拍摄的照片上传到模板中,或者保留一些模板中使用的专业照片。

完成后,制作好的相册将在接下来的 7 至 10 天内送至您的地址,供您保存和分享日出热气球冒险的回忆。

如果您对相册有任何疑问,请致电 Balloon Aloft 团队 02 4990 9242 或访问 www.utterfiction.com 了解更多信息。

立即预订 电话: 1300 723 279

Hot Air Ballooning is a weather dependent activity. The Flight Ticket option you have chosen can be rescheduled to another date in the event of a weather cancellation but is NON-REFUNDABLE in the event of a weather cancellation or under any other circumstances. With this ticket type you cannot cancel or reschedule your flight within 72 hours of your flight time.

Hot Air Ballooning is a weather dependent activity. The Flexi Ticket option you have chosen can be rescheduled to another date in the event of a weather cancellation. This ticket option is 100% REFUNDABLE in the event of a weather or pilot determined cancellation. An admin fee may apply to any cancellations before your flight date but this ticket cannot be cancelled/rescheduled within 72 hours of your flight time.