

欣赏无与伦比的美景,包括澳大利亚最大的盐田、阿尔伯特河和海洋。 从全新的角度欣赏这片美丽的自然景观,同时从当地导游了解这片土地丰富的文化遗产和独特的动植物群。

一般情况我们将安排日落行程,持续时间约为 30-40 分钟。 有时天气也会适合日出飞行。 您的飞行员会提前与您联系,告知航班时间。 飞行结束后,您的飞行员和其他乘客会在降落点举行香槟庆祝活动。


抵达位于 87 Musgrave Street, Burketown 的 Burketown 游客信息中心,与飞行员和地勤人员会面。了解飞行员如何检查当地的风况,聆听简短的飞行报告。


当我们前往当天选定的起飞点时,跳上我们的车辆。 这由您的飞行员决定,并当地有很多起飞地点,飞行员将根据当天的风向风速选择最适合的起飞地点。在去往飞行地点的路上,是一次熟悉飞行团队的好机会。要25分钟,您的热气球就会被充气并整装待发。您可以帮助准备热气球或者只是站在一边给您慢慢成型的气球拍照。





Ready to book your flight?

立即预订 电话: 1300 723 279

Hot Air Ballooning is a weather dependent activity. The Flight Ticket option you have chosen can be rescheduled to another date in the event of a weather cancellation but is NON-REFUNDABLE in the event of a weather cancellation or under any other circumstances. With this ticket type you cannot cancel or reschedule your flight within 72 hours of your flight time.

Hot Air Ballooning is a weather dependent activity. The Flexi Ticket option you have chosen can be rescheduled to another date in the event of a weather cancellation. This ticket option is 100% REFUNDABLE in the event of a weather or pilot determined cancellation. An admin fee may apply to any cancellations before your flight date but this ticket cannot be cancelled/rescheduled within 72 hours of your flight time.