

拜伦湾飞行点位于The Farm, 距离城中心仅10分钟车程。在指定地点与团队汇合后,前往飞行第,只要20-25分钟,您的热气球就会被充气并整装待发。您可以帮助准备热气球或者只是站在一边给您慢慢成型的气球拍照。


在着陆之后,我们会把热气球打包装走,然后返回集合点The Farm的Three Blue Ducks,与其他乘客享用当地食材烹饪的可口的早餐。在早餐期间,还可以购买纪念品和个人定制相册的代金券。

这家餐厅始于三个好朋友环游世界,他们想用健康可持续的饮食理念来体现他们理想的生活方式。占地86英亩的农场,种植着多样的时令蔬菜。当蔬菜和水果成熟,厨师便将它们送入厨房,制作成诱人的季节性菜单,真正实现了「从农场到餐桌」的理念。不仅名厨驻店,以美味的本地食物著称,还有一个充满生活气息的花店Poppy & Fern等候每一位爱生活的旅客。

Ready to book your flight?

立即预订 电话: 1300 723 279

Hot Air Ballooning is a weather dependent activity. The Flight Ticket option you have chosen can be rescheduled to another date in the event of a weather cancellation but is NON-REFUNDABLE in the event of a weather cancellation or under any other circumstances. With this ticket type you cannot cancel or reschedule your flight within 72 hours of your flight time.

Hot Air Ballooning is a weather dependent activity. The Flexi Ticket option you have chosen can be rescheduled to another date in the event of a weather cancellation. This ticket option is 100% REFUNDABLE in the event of a weather or pilot determined cancellation. An admin fee may apply to any cancellations before your flight date but this ticket cannot be cancelled/rescheduled within 72 hours of your flight time.