

日出前一小时左右在Peterson House集合,具体集合时间在飞行前一天根据确认信上面的步骤进行查询确认。



热气球飞行时间大约45分钟- 1小时。在太阳升起时您会随着色彩缤纷的热气球升上天空,随着微风慢慢漂浮。在平稳的飞行中,您会发现您正飘过树梢,然后毫不费劲地升到2000尺或更高的地方。由于缓慢的风速,这整个过程使您在热气球篮子中都几乎感觉不到移动。您只需准备好您的相机,就可以从任何一个独特的角度抓拍猎人谷迷人的风景。

飞行结束后,您可以参加有趣的热气球放气打包过程,然后返回集合点Peterson Champagne House在可以俯视葡萄园的露台上享用精美的早餐,与其他乘客一起举杯庆祝这个难忘美好的清晨。

Ready to book your flight?

立即预订 电话: 1300 723 279

Hot Air Ballooning is a weather dependent activity. The Flight Ticket option you have chosen can be rescheduled to another date in the event of a weather cancellation but is NON-REFUNDABLE in the event of a weather cancellation or under any other circumstances. With this ticket type you cannot cancel or reschedule your flight within 72 hours of your flight time.

Hot Air Ballooning is a weather dependent activity. The Flexi Ticket option you have chosen can be rescheduled to another date in the event of a weather cancellation. This ticket option is 100% REFUNDABLE in the event of a weather or pilot determined cancellation. An admin fee may apply to any cancellations before your flight date but this ticket cannot be cancelled/rescheduled within 72 hours of your flight time.