



Balloon Aloft Fiesta 将于2023年卷土重来,这是猎人谷十月长周末举办的一项热门活动。每年都有很多热气球在日出十分升空,为天空填满色彩和欢愉氛围。



如何参加 2023 年气球嘉年华

观看热气球节的最佳方式当然是作为乘客,登上每天日出时升空的热气球之一。您可以在我们的嘉年华航班上预定位置,享受一生难忘的体验;黎明时分,大约有 30 余个热气球在起飞点充气 – 一定得准备好相机!在猎人谷葡萄园上空飘浮一个小时。飞回 Peterson House Winery ,继续庆祝活动。现场音乐表演、美味早餐和香槟将为这个激动人心且充满乐趣的早晨画上了句号。


  • 1 小时日出热气球飞行(同20-30个热气球共同飞行)
  • 在 Peterson House Winery 享用美味的早餐,现场伴有音乐表演
  • 香槟庆典,品尝起泡酒
  • 当天购买的任何商品均可享受折扣
  • 与澳大利亚最有经验的热气球团队一起参加激动人心的猎人谷活动



立即预订 电话: 1300 723 279

Hot Air Ballooning is a weather dependent activity. The Flight Ticket option you have chosen can be rescheduled to another date in the event of a weather cancellation but is NON-REFUNDABLE in the event of a weather cancellation or under any other circumstances. With this ticket type you cannot cancel or reschedule your flight within 72 hours of your flight time.

Hot Air Ballooning is a weather dependent activity. The Flexi Ticket option you have chosen can be rescheduled to another date in the event of a weather cancellation. This ticket option is 100% REFUNDABLE in the event of a weather or pilot determined cancellation. An admin fee may apply to any cancellations before your flight date but this ticket cannot be cancelled/rescheduled within 72 hours of your flight time.